搜索 325
NS284 Having been regenerated 新歌
NS504 He gives power to the faint 新歌
NS127 He grew up like a tender plant 新歌
NS50 He tells me, guard thy heart 新歌
NS344 He's able, He's able 新歌
NS269 He's my Lord 新歌
NS72 He's the Spirit of reality 新歌
NS481 Highways to Zion 新歌
NS753 His Perfect Choice 新歌
NS700 Hold the pattern of the healthy words 新歌
NS657 How Can I Say How Much I Love You? 新歌
NS911 How Long 新歌
NS415s Hoy te amo a Ti Señor 新歌
NS884 I Choose to Remain 新歌
NS587 I Come to You and Open Wide 新歌
NS447 I Live and Yet Not I 新歌
NS966 I Only Need to Call 新歌
NS1010 I Want to Fully Follow Jehovah 新歌
NS789 I am Coming Back Home to My Father! 新歌
NS137 I am baptized 新歌
NS14 I am crucified with Christ (New Zealand) 新歌
NS15 I am crucified with Christ (U.S.A.) 新歌
LB46 I bow my knees unto the Father 新歌
NS453 I have set before you life and death 新歌
NS201 I just keep calling, O Lord 新歌